President Trump holds conference on COVID-19

My team is also working night and day with capitol hill to advance the next economic relief package.we're working very hard on it we're making a lot of progress i also uh know that both sides want to get it done we'll call it phase four i think we're going to get it done we'll protect our workers our schools and our families and protect them very strongly as one family we mourn every precious life that's been lost i pledge in their honor that we will develop a vaccine and we will defeat the virus. We're doing very well with vaccine development and therapeutic development but i want to thank our brave doctors and nurses and front line responders the job they do is incredible and they are truly brave my administration will stop at nothing to save lives and shield the vulnerable which is so important we've learned so much about this disease and we know who the vulnerable are and we are going to indeed shield them and again the vaccines are coming and they're coming a lot sooner than anyone thought possible by years if you look at the old system and look at the new system. 


I think by years the china virus is a vicious and dangerous illness but we've learned a great deal about it. who it targets we are in the process of developing a strategy that's going to be very very powerful we've developed as we go along some areas of our country are doing very well others are doing less well. It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better something i don't like saying about things but that's the way it is it's the way it's what we have you look over the world it's all over the world and it tends to do that the governors are working very very hard and we are supporting them 100 everything they need they get and we are taking good care we have tremendous supplies and a great supply chain whether it's ventilators or gowns or just about anything they need so that's a big difference from inheriting very very empty cupboards the median age of those who succumb to the china virus is 78 years old roughly half of all deaths have been individuals in nursing homes who are long-term care in one study 90 percent of those hospitalized had underlying medical conditions.

whether it's heart or diabetes but usually it's some kind of a condition it seems that people have that and if they do it's a problem no question about it young adults may often have mild or even no symptoms they won't even know they're sick they won't have any idea that they have a virus. They won't have any idea at all america's youth will act responsibly and we're asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance wear a mask get a mask whether you like the mask or not they have an impact they'll have an effect and we need everything we can get data shows children have the lowest fatality risk 99.96 of all virus fatalities are in adults think of that so that's much much much less than one percent for children young people by understanding these risk profiles and learning how to treat the disease we've been able to greatly reduce mortality in the united states in fact we'll show you a chart and how well we do compared to the rest of the world. we've have several treatments already available that significantly reduce the severity and duration of the disease including remdisaver which has been very successful and a widely available steroid treatment and we have many more happening and coming out we've learned best practices for treatment of the virus at every stage and have shared these findings with medical providers and we've shared them all over the world.

The relationship with other countries has been very strong we're all working together this includes ensuring all hospitals are aware of the importance of different approaches to oxygen treatment including high flow oxygen the importance of steroid treatment for those on ventilators. when you're on a ventilator we've learned a tremendous about the use of the ventilator and at the beginning people never had an experience like this where we needed so many ventilators so fast and even the use of the vent letters but the doctors have become incredibly and nurses and helpers have become incredibly good at the use of a ventilator. which is actually a very complicated procedure and allocating rem de severe to hospitals based on new admissions since it works best early in hospitalization and that's something that they've really started they're using it much earlier fatalities nationwide have fallen 75 since mid-april it's a great number as cases and fatalities rise in certain hard-hit states which you're looking at right now we're surging personnel supplies and therapeutics. 

President Trump holds conference on COVID-19
President Trump holds conference on COVID-19
We again have tremendous amounts of supplies we are in very good shape and we can move them quickly our case fatality rate has continued to decline and is lower than the european union and almost everywhere else in the world if you watch american television you think that the united states was the only country involved with and suffering from the china virus well the world is suffering very badly but the fact is that many countries are suffering very very very badly and they've been suffering from this virus for a long time we've done much better than most and with the fatality rate at a lower rate than most it's something that we can talk about but we're working again with them because we're helping a lot of countries that people don't even know about i get calls all the time asking for help especially.

As it pertains to the ventilators they need help with ventilators they have to get them they're very hard to get we're making thousands now a month thousands of ventilators a month it's been quite amazing we keep doing the good job and things will get better and better we'll be putting up charts behind me showing uh different statistics and different rates of uh success and i guess you could say also uh things that we can do better on but you'll see them they'll be put up as we go in april the average age of individuals who tested positive for the virus was over 50 years old today the average age is significantly younger hospital lengths of stay are almost half of what they were in april so the stays are about half the rate of cases requiring hospitalization has been reduced and mortality among those admitted to the hospital is nearly one half of what it was in april. we've learned a lot we've learned a lot about this disease how to handle it the doctors have learned a lot not only in the use of the ventilators but in many other things and things are happening too like the rem deserver and other elements steroids etc but these trends could change without our continued and relentless focus and that's what we have we have a relentless focus and it's been that way from the beginning but we've learned so much as you know in recent weeks we've seen a concerning rise in the cases in many parts of our south.

If you look at south southwest and west this growth in cases first began to appear in mid-june primarily among 18 to 35 year olds many of whom were asymptomatic we're also facing the challenge of a significant spice in virus cases across the rest of the western hemisphere including mexico mexico's been hit very very very hard as you know the president a great gentleman was here two weeks ago and they have really been hit hard because we've achieved a nearly four-fold increase in testing capacity in two months we're successfully identifying more asymptomatic and mild cases some cases so mild that you really don't even treat them some cases with children where they don't even know that they're ill and i guess they're not very ill because they recover almost immediately per capita the u.s is conducting 50 percent more tests than europe and we've conducted nearly three times as many tests as all of the other countries in the western hemisphere combined the over 50 million tests this allows us to isolate those who are infected even those without symptoms so we know exactly where it's going and when it's going to be there we're also working to reduce turnaround time. my administration has been aggressively responding to case growth in the sun belt and we continue to do so working very close with all governors but right now in particular those governors we're coordinating closely with hospitals and governors in the last three weeks.

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