How to Lose Weight Fast and Safely-Low Carb Diet

 Healthy Low Carb Diet Plan-Start Losing Weight Now

The way I often hear it explained is basically, if you cut the carbs out of your diet then your body has to go looking elsewhere for its energy source and it goes to look for your stored body fat... and that means that you lose weight. But actually, I think it goes a little bit more in-depth than that and that's what I'm gonna cover in this Article. So let's get started! 

why do low carb diets work? 

Hey guys,I make article all about how to sustainably lose weight for the longer term and that's all about low carb diets, ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting, exercise stuff like that. I think we've got an overwhelming body of evidence to suggest that they do now. Currently, compared to low-fat diets low carb diets are winning 33 to nil in terms of statistically significant weight loss in randomized controlled trial studies. Those are the gold standard of studies.

Well, first of all, it's because the conventional approach is simply flawed. The conventional approach that you'll no doubt be familiar with is the calories in calories out approach. Basically, you're consuming too many calories and not burning enough calories. So, you gain weight and of course the solution to that is to simply eat less, move more, create a calorie deficit and in the longer term you're going to find that your problems are solved. Except it doesn't really work, does it? Because most people have real trouble sticking to a weight loss program. 
Low Carb Diet Plan
Low Carb Diet Plan

Most people who do stick to a weight loss program lose minimal weight even if they do start to lose some weight then they're probably going to put it back on within a year or two years. And the reasons are because our body fights back when were calorie-restricted. Our bodies aren't stupid. We get more hungry and we reduce our metabolic rate So, you start to actually feel tired and you start to feel really really hungry. 

It's no wonder that people fall off their diets really quite quickly, but I believe these issues are properly addressed by the low-carb approach because the low-carb approach deals with things on a hormonal level rather than just basically thinking with just large energy stores... and I always encourage people to go back to basic biology and really think about what the human body is and really what the human body is is it a series of tissues and organs and the way those tissues and organs communicate with each other is either via the nervous system or via hormones. And it's hormones that we're going to focus on in this article because that's what is really really important in terms of why low-carb diets work so Low carb diets reduce insulin levels. Now it has an impact on a number of different hormones but insulin is really really important because it is our body's fat storage hormone and what I mean by that is it actually is the signal to take glucose from our bloodstream put it into our cells into our fat cells where it is turned into our stored body fat and insulin is produced by the pancreas in response to elevated blood glucose levels which shuttle that glucose from the bloodstream into the fat cells where it is stored. So elevated insulin levels equal fat storage and low carb diets address this because low carb diets reduce insulin production. 

How to become a healthy body?

It's the carbohydrates particularly the glucose that signals to the pancreas to produce more insulin if you take away the carbs the insulin production is lower and those lower levels of insulin allow our bodies to access that stored fat rather than just storing more of it and this results in weight loss in two phases in the first few days you're gonna lose mainly just water weight and I'll explain why there isn't a second but after a few days you're gonna start to be able to access those fat stores and actually use up that body fat for energy to supply your body and you will lose body fat so very quickly the reason we lose water weight in the first few days is because insulin also has an effect on the kidneys causing them to retain fluid lower levels of insulin mean that the kidneys can lose fluid that's one of the reasons why our blood pressure can go a bit lower when we're on a low-carb diet, which is generally thought of as a good thing. 

The second reason is because our bodies store carbohydrate for the short term in the form of glycogen. Now glycogen is stored in the liver and in the muscles and along with glycogen is stored water so you start to burn through those glycogen stores and after a few days you will have burn through them but you'll also have lost the water that was stored along with them and the low-carb diet is particularly important for people who are suffering.

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